NixOS Configurations | NixOS 不完全手记

Date: 2023/06/05
Last Updated: 2024-03-07T20:23:34.701Z
Categories: NixOS
Tags: Linux, NixOS, Nix, System, OpenSource
Read Time: 2 minutes



Some note for NixOS configurations.

Useful Commands

Rebuild the System

Need sudo.

# test the configuration
sudo nixos-rebuild test --flake "/path/to/config#tag" --show-trace

# switch to the configuration
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake "/path/to/config#tag" --show-trace

Useful Websites

NixOS Full Options List

NixOS Package List

GitHub User Public Key

Put File Under /etc


    example-configuration-file =
        source = "./file.conf.example";
        mode = "0440";
    "default/useradd".text = "GROUP=100 ...";

Reference Store Path of a Nix Package


Use Agenix to Manage Secrets

Check agenix GitHub.

Install Agenix Via Flakes

  inputs.agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix";
  # optional, not necessary for the module
  #inputs.agenix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  # optionally choose not to download darwin deps (saves some resources on Linux)
  #inputs.agenix.inputs.darwin.follows = "";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, agenix }: {
    # change `yourhostname` to your actual hostname
    nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
      # change to your system:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      modules = [

Get Secrets

agenix use ssh keys as keys.

System host ssh key is at /etc/ssh/.

User's ssh key is at ~/.ssh.

Mkdir For Agenix

mkdir -p ./secrets

Add Secrets Keys

Keys should be put at ./secrets/secrets.nix.

# ./secrets/secrets.nix
  user1 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIL0idNvgGiucWgup/mP78zyC23uFjYq0evcWdjGQUaBH";
  user2 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILI6jSq53F/3hEmSs+oq9L4TwOo1PrDMAgcA1uo1CCV/";
  users = [ user1 user2 ];

  system1 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPJDyIr/FSz1cJdcoW69R+NrWzwGK/+3gJpqD1t8L2zE";
  system2 = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKzxQgondgEYcLpcPdJLrTdNgZ2gznOHCAxMdaceTUT1";
  systems = [ system1 system2 ];
  "secret1.age".publicKeys = [ user1 system1 ];
  "secret2.age".publicKeys = users ++ systems;

This file declare that the secret1.age can be decrypted by user1 and system1. secret2.age can be decrypted by all users in users and systems.

Add Secrets

# You need to be in the same directory as secrets.nix
cd ./secrets

# This will open your editor ($EDITOR) to create the secret
agenix -e secret1.age

Add Secrets to NixOS Configurations

  # this will allow you to use the secrets in your NixOS configuration as a string
  age.secrets.secret1.file = ../secrets/secret1.age;


  # this will allow you to access the at the path /etc/secret1 with the correct permissions
  age.secrets.secret1 = {
    file = ../secrets/secret1
    path = "/etc/secret1";;
    mode = "770";
    owner = "nginx";
    group = "nginx";

Use Secrets

Use Path of Secrets

  users.users.user1 = {
    isNormalUser = true;
    passwordFile = config.age.secrets.secret1.path;

Replace Inplace Strings With Secrets

Considering that there still might be some modules which doesn't support reading secrets from a file, you could provide a placeholder string instead of a clear-text password and replace this placeholder with the secret provided by Agenix.

In the following example, the Dex module creates the config file /run/dex/config.yaml containing the placeholder string @dex-user-password@. The activation script will read the Agenix secret from config.age.secret.dex-user-password.path and replace the placeholder string with the actual secret.

system.activationScripts."dex-user-secret" = ''
  secret=$(cat "${config.age.secrets.dex-user-password.path}")
  ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i "s#@dex-user-password@#$secret#" "$configFile"

Mount WebDav Using AutoFS

I found this two links really helpful.

First you need to install agenix as a way to manage your WebDav secrets.

Then you need to add the following to your configuration.nix. This will mount your WebDav to /mnt/{{ mount-dir }}.

  age.secrets = {
    webdav-secrets = {
      file = ./secrets/{{ your secret file }};
      owner = "root";
      group = "root";
      mode = "600";
      # this is the path where the secret will be mounted
      path = "/etc/davfs2/secrets";

  # put the configuration for davfs2 in the /etc/davfs2 directory
  environment.etc."davfs2/auto.mount" = {
    # rw means read-write, ro means read-only
    # you need to add backslash `\` before ':' and '#' in your url
    text = ''
      {{ mount-dir }} -fstype=davfs,conf=/etc/davfs2/conf,rw {{ your webdav url }}
    mode = "0440";
  environment.etc."davfs2/conf" = {
    text = ''
      secrets /etc/davfs2/secrets
    mode = "0440";

  # enable the service
  services.davfs2.enable = true;
  services.autofs = {
    enable = true;
    autoMaster = "/mnt/ /etc/davfs2/auto.mount";

Clean the System & Nix Store

# clean journalctl
services.cron = {
  enable = true;
  systemCronJobs = [
    "0 0 * * * journalctl --vacuum-time=7d 1>/dev/null"

# garbange collection check
nix.gc.automatic = true; = true;

Enable the Mosh Server

# Enable mosh, the ssh alternative when client has bad connection
# Opens UDP ports 60000 ... 61000
programs.mosh.enable = true;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPortRanges = [
    from = 60000;
    to = 61000;
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPortRanges = [
    from = 60000;
    to = 61000;

Enable Fail2Ban

services.fail2ban = {
  enable = true;
  maxretry = 5;
  ignoreIP = [

夜风凛凛 独回望旧事前尘


诬告与指责 积压着满肚气不愤


受了教训 得了书经的指引


但觉有分数 不再像以往那般笨



是错永不对 真永是真

任你怎说 安守我本份


是非有公理 慎言莫冒犯别人


自信满心里 休理会讽刺与质问

笑骂由人 洒脱地做人

受了教训 得了书经的指引


但觉有分数 不再像以往那般笨



是错永不对 真永是真

任你怎说 安守我本份


是非有公理 慎言莫冒犯别人


自信满心里 休理会讽刺与质问

笑骂由人 洒脱地做人

少年行 洒脱地做人
