General Topology Notes

Date: 2023/12/03
Last Updated: 2024-03-07T20:23:34.701Z
Categories: Notes, Math
Tags: Math, Topology, General Topology
Read Time: 35 minutes


Topology Spaces and Continuous Function

This is a note for general topology. The main reference is Topology.

The note is written in Pandoc Markdown.

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Basic Definition of Topology

::: {#def:Topology .definition} Definition 1.1 (topology). A topology on a set X\mathbb{X} is a collection T\mathbb{T} of subsets of X\mathbb{X} having the following properties:

  • \emptyset and X\mathbb{X} are in T\mathbb{T}

  • The union of the elements of any sub collection of T\mathbb{T} is in T\mathbb{T}

  • The intersection of the elements of any finite sub collection of T\mathbb{T} is in T\mathbb{T} :::

::: {#def:TopologySpace .definition} Definition 1.2 (topology space). A topological space is a set X\mathbb{X} for which a topology T\mathbb{T} has been specified. :::

::: {#def:OpenSet .definition} Definition 1.3 (open set). A open set U\mathbb{U} is a subset of X\mathbb{X} that belongs to a topology T\mathbb{T} of X\mathbb{X}. :::

::: {#def:OpenSets .definition} Definition 1.4 (open sets). A topology can also be called a open sets :::

::: {#def:DiscreteTopology .definition} Definition 1.5 (discrete topology). The set of all subsets of a set X\mathbb{X} formed a topology called discrete topology :::

::: {#def:TrivialTopology .definition} Definition 1.6 (trivial topology). The set consisting the set X\mathbb{X} and \emptyset only formed a topology of X\mathbb{X} called trivial topology :::

::: {#def:FiniteComplementTopology .definition} Definition 1.7 (finite complement topology). Let X\mathbb{X} be a set. Let Tf\mathbb{T}_{\mathit{f}} be the collection of all subsets U\mathbb{U} of X\mathbb{X} such that XU\mathbb{X} - \mathbb{U} either if a finite 1 of is all of X\mathbb{X}. Then Tf\mathbb{T}_{\mathit{f}} is a topology on X\mathbb{X}, called the finite complement topology. :::

::: {#def:Comparable .definition} Definition 1.8 (finer, larger, strictly finer, strictly larger, coarser, smaller, strictly coarser, strictly smaller, comparable). Let T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} be two topology on a given set X\mathbb{X}. If T\mathbb{T} is a subset of T\mathbb{T'}, we say that T\mathbb{T'} is finer or larger than T\mathbb{T}. If T\mathbb{T} is a proper subset of T\mathbb{T'}, we say that T\mathbb{T'} is strictly finer or strictly larger than T\mathbb{T}. We also say that T\mathbb{T} is coarser or smaller or strictly coarser or strictly smaller than T\mathbb{T'}. We say that T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} is comparable if either T\mathbb{T} is a subset of T\mathbb{T'} or T\mathbb{T'} is a subset of T\mathbb{T}. :::

Basis for a Topology

::: {#def:Basis .definition} Definition 1.9 (basis). If X\mathbb{X} is a set, a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} is a collection B\mathbb{B} of subsets of X\mathbb{X} (called basis elements) such that:

  • For each xXx \in \mathbb{X}, there is at least one basis element BB containing xx

  • If xx belongs to the intersection of two basis elements B1B_{1} and B2B_{2}, then there is another element xB3Bx \in B_{3} \in \mathbb{B} such that B3B1B2B_{3} \subseteq B_{1} \cap B_{2} :::

::: {#def:TopologyGeneratedByBasis .definition} Definition 1.10 (topology generated by basis). Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis on X\mathbb{X} . Let U\mathbb{U} be a set containing all subsets UU of X\mathbb{X} such that for each element xUx \in U, there is BBB \in \mathbb{B} that xBUx \in B \subseteq U. Such U\mathbb{U} formed a topology on X\mathbb{X} , called topology T\mathbb{T} generated by B\mathbb{B} :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.1. Let X\mathbb{X} be a set. Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis for a topology T\mathbb{T} on X\mathbb{X} . Then T\mathbb{T} equals to the set of all possible unions of elements of B\mathbb{B} . :::

::: proof Proof. Let set U\mathbb{U} be the set of all possible unions of elements of B\mathbb{B} . For any UUU \in \mathbb{U}. U=BU = \cup B 2 for some BBB \in \mathbb{B}. Thus, for every xUx \in U, there exist a BBB' \in \mathbb{B} that xBUx \in B' \subseteq U. Thus, UTU \in \mathbb{T}.

Conversely, for any UTU \in \mathbb{T}. For any xUx \in U, let xBxUx \in B_{x} \in U. Then, U=xUBxU = \cup_{x \in U}B_{x}. Thus, UUU \in \mathbb{U}.

Therefore, U\mathbb{U} equals to T\mathbb{T} . ◻ :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.2. 3 Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space. Suppose that C\mathbb{C} is a collection of open sets of X\mathbb{X} such that for each open set UU of X\mathbb{X} and each xUx \in U, there is an element CCC \in \mathbb{C} such that xCCx \in C \subseteq C. Then C\mathbb{C} is a basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.3. 4 Let B\mathbb{B} and B\mathbb{B'} be basis for the topologies T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} , respectively, on X\mathbb{X} . Then the following are equivalent:

  • T\mathbb{T'} is finer than T\mathbb{T}

  • For each xXx \in \mathbb{X} and each basis element BBB \in \mathbb{B} containing X, there is a basis element BBB' \in \mathbb{B'} such that xBBx \in B' \subseteq B. :::

::: {#def:StandardTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.11 (standard topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xa<x<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a < x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. B\mathbb{B} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the standard topology on the real line 5 . :::

::: {#def:LowerLimitTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.12 (lower limit topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xax<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a \le x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. B\mathbb{B} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the lower limit topology on the real line. When R\mathbb{R} is given this topology,we denote it by Rl\mathbb{R}_{l}. :::

::: {#def:KTopologyOnTheRealLine .definition} Definition 1.13 (K-topology on the real line). Let be B={BB={xa<x<b},a<b,aR,bR}\mathbb{B} = \{ B | B = \{ x | a < x < b \}, a < b, a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \}. Let K={xx=1n,nZ+}K = \{ x | x = \frac{1}{n}, n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} \}. B{BKBB}\mathbb{B} \cup \{ B - K | B \in \mathbb{B} \} formed a basis on real line. The topology generated by B\mathbb{B} is called the K-topology on the real line. When R\mathbb{R} is given this topology,we denote it by RK\mathbb{R_{K}}. :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.4. 6 The topologies Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is strictly finer than the standard topology on R\mathbb{R} . :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.5. The topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is not comparable. :::

::: proof Proof. Let Tl\mathbb{T}_{l} and TK\mathbb{T_{K}} be topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} respectively. Let K={xx=1n,nZ+}K = \{ x | x = \frac{1}{n}, n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} \}.

We first proof that Tl\mathbb{T}_{l} is not finer than TK\mathbb{T_{K}} . Let U={x1<x<1}K,x=0U = \{ x | -1 < x < 1 \} - K, x = 0. If there exist B={xax<b}TlB = \{ x | a \le x < b \} \in \mathbb{T}_{l} such that xBUx \in B \subseteq U, then 0<b<10 < b < 1. Thus, there exist nZ+n \in \mathbb{Z_{+}} that 0<1n<b0 < \frac{1}{n} < b. Thus BB is not a subset of UU.

Then we proof that TK\mathbb{T_{K}} is not finer than Tl\mathbb{T}_{l}. Let U={xax<b}U' = \{ x | a' \le x < b' \}. If there exist B={xa<x<b}or{xa<x<b}KB' = \{ x | a'' < x < b'' \} or \{ x | a'' < x < b'' \} - K such that aBU{a'} \in B \subseteq U. Thus a<a<ba'' < a < b''. Thus there exist cc that a<x<a,xB,xUa'' < x < a, x \in B ,x \notin U'. Thus BUB' \nsubseteq U'.

Thus the topologies of Rl\mathbb{R}_{l} and RK\mathbb{R_{K}} is not comparable. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Subbasis .definition} Definition 1.14 (subbasis). A subbasis S\mathbb{S} for a topology on X\mathbb{X} is a collection of subsets of X\mathbb{X} whose union equals X\mathbb{X} . The topology generated by the subbasis S\mathbb{S} is defined to be the collection T\mathbb{T} 7 of all unions of finite intersections of elements of S\mathbb{S} . :::


  1. Show that if A\mathbb{A} is a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} , then the topology generated by A\mathbb{A} equals the intersection of all topologies on X\mathbb{X} that contain A\mathbb{A} . Prove the same if A\mathbb{A} is a subbasis.

    ::: proof Proof. As a subbasis is also a basis, we will directly prove the case of subbasis here.

    Let S={Tα}\mathbb{S} = \{ \mathbb{T}_{\alpha} \} be set contain all the topologies that contain A\mathbb{A} . Let T\mathbb{T} be the topology that A\mathbb{A} generated. Let T=Tα\displaystyle \mathbb{T}' = \cap\mathbb{T}_{\alpha}.8

    First, ATα\mathbb{A} \subseteq \mathbb{T}_{\alpha}. Thus, TTα\mathbb{T} \subseteq \mathbb{T}_{\alpha}. Thus, TT\mathbb{T} \subseteq \mathbb{T}'.

    Also, AT\mathbb{A} \subseteq \mathbb{T}. Thus, TS\mathbb{T} \in \mathbb{S}. Thus, TT\mathbb{T}' \subseteq \mathbb{T}.

    Thus, T=T\mathbb{T} = \mathbb{T}' ◻ :::

The Order Topology

::: {#def:Interval .definition} Definition 1.15 (interval). Let X\mathbb{X} is a set having a simple order relation <<. Given elements aa and bb of X\mathbb{X} such that a<ba < b, there are four subsets of X\mathbb{X} that are called intervals determined by aa and bb:

  • (a,b)={xa<x<b}(a,b) = \{ x | a < x < b \}

  • (a,b]={xa<xb}(a,b] = \{ x | a < x \le b \}

  • [a,b)={xax<b}[a,b) = \{ x | a \le x < b \}

  • [a,b]={xaxb}[a,b] = \{ x | a \le x \le b \}

(a,b)(a,b) is called an open interval on X\mathbb{X} . [a,b][a,b] is called an closed interval on X\mathbb{X} . (a,b](a,b] and [a,b)[a,b) is called half-open intervals. :::

::: {#def:OrderTopology .definition} Definition 1.16 (order topology). 9 Let X\mathbb{X} be a set with a simple order relation; assume X\mathbb{X} has more than one element. Let B\mathbb{B} be the collection of all sets of the following types:

  • All open intervals (a,b)(a,b) in X\mathbb{X} .

  • All intervals of the form [a0,b)[a_{0},b), where a0a_0 is the smallest element(if exist) of X\mathbb{X} .

  • All intervals of the form (a,b0](a,b_{0}], where b0b_0 is the largest element(if exist) of X\mathbb{X} .

The collection B\mathbb{B} formed a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} , which is called the order topology. :::

::: {#def:Ray .definition} Definition 1.17 (ray). 1011 If X\mathbb{X} is an ordered set, and aa is an element of X\mathbb{X} , there are four subsets of X\mathbb{X} that are called rays determined by aa:

  • (a,+)={xx>a}(a,+\infty) = \{ x | x > a \}

  • (,a)={xx<a}(-\infty,a) = \{ x | x < a \}

  • [a,+)={xxa}[a,+\infty) = \{ x | x \ge a \}

  • (,a]={xxa}(-\infty,a] = \{ x | x \le a \}

(a,+)(a,+\infty) and (,a)(-\infty,a) are called open rays. [a,+)[a,+\infty) and (,a](-\infty,a] are called closed rays. :::

The Product Topology

::: {#def:ProductTopology .definition} Definition 1.18 (product topology). Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces. The product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} having a basis B\mathbb{B} containing all sets of the form U×VU \times V, where UU and VV is open sets of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} respectively. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.1. 12 If B\mathbb{B} and C\mathbb{C} is basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} respectively, then the collection D={B×CBBandCC}\mathbb{D} = \{ B \times C | B \in \mathbb{B} and C \in \mathbb{C} \} is a basis for the topology of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} :::

::: {#def:Projection .definition} Definition 1.19 (projection). Let π1:X×YX\pi_{1}: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} be defined by the equation: π1(x,y)=x\pi_{1}(x,y) = x

Let π2:X×YY\pi_{2}: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be defined by the equation: π1(x,y)=y\pi_{1}(x,y) = y

The maps π1\pi_{1} and π2\pi_{2} are called the projections of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} onto its first and second factors, respectively. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.2. 13 The collection S={π11(U)UopeninX}{π21(V)VopeninY}\mathbb{S} = \{ \pi_{1}^{-1}(U) | U open in \mathbb{X} \} \cup \{ \pi_{2}^{-1}(V) | V open in \mathbb{Y} \} is a subbasis for the product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}. :::

::: {#def:BoxTopology .definition} Definition 1.20 (box topology). Let, X=X1×X2××XnorX1×X2×\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots \times \mathbb{X}_{n} \text{or} \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots

In the first case, all the sets of the form U1××UnU_{1} \times \dots \times U_{n} where UiU_{i} is a open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} form a basis.

In the second case, all the sets of the form U1×U2×U_{1} \times U_{2} \times \dots where UiU_{i} is a open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} also form a basis.

Topology defined in this way was called a box topology. :::

::: {#def:ProjectionMapping .definition} Definition 1.21 (product topology). []{#def:ProductTopologyInfinite label="def:ProductTopologyInfinite"}14 Let, X=X1×X2××XnorX1×X2×\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots \times \mathbb{X}_{n} \text{or} \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \dots

Let πi\pi_{i} be the projection function15 that πi:XXi\pi_{i}: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{X}_{i}

And if xXx \in \mathbb{X} πi(x)=xi\pi_{i}(x) = x_{i}

All the set of the form πi1(Ui)\pi_{i}^{-1}(U_{i}) where ii is arbitrary and UiU_{i} is an open set of Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} , form a subbasis of X\mathbb{X} . The topology generated by this subbasis is called product topology. And X\mathbb{X} is called a product space. :::

::: {#def:JTuple .definition} Definition 1.22 (J-tuple). Let JJ be an index set16. Give a set X\mathbb{X} , a J-tuple is defined as a function x:JXx: J \rightarrow \mathbb{X} . If α\alpha is an element of JJ , x(α)x(\alpha) is often denoted by xαx_{\alpha} and is called the αth\alpha\text{th} coordinate of xx . And the function xx itself is often denoted by the symbol (xα)αJ(x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J}

The set of all J-tuples of elements of X\mathbb{X} is often denoted by XJ\mathbb{X}^{J} . :::

::: {#def:CartesianProduct .definition} Definition 1.23 (cartesian product). Let {Aα}αJ\{A_{\alpha}\}_{\alpha \in J} be an indexed family of sets; let X=αJAα\mathbb{X} = \bigcup_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha} . The cartesian product of this indexed family is denoted by αJAα\displaystyle \prod_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha}

And is defined to be the set of all J-tuples (xα)αJ(x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J} of elements of X\mathbb{X} such that xαAαx_{\alpha} \in A_{\alpha} for each αJ\alpha \in J . That is, it is the set of all functions x:JαJAαx: J \rightarrow \bigcup_{\alpha \in J} A_{\alpha} such that x(α)Aαx(\alpha) \in A_{\alpha} for each αJ\alpha \in J . :::

::: {#theorem:ComparisonOfBoxProductTopology .theorem} Theorem 1.3 (Comparison of the box and product topologies). 17 The box topology on Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} has a basis all sets of the form Uα\prod U_{\alpha} where UαU_{\alpha} is open in XαX_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . The product topology on Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} has a basis all sets of the form Uα\prod U_{\alpha} where UαU_{\alpha} is open in XαX_{\alpha} for each α\alpha and UαU_{\alpha} equals Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} except for finitely many values of α\alpha . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.4. 18 Suppose the topology on each space Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is given by a basis Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . The collection of all sets of the form αJBα\prod_{\alpha \in J} B_{\alpha} where BαBαB_{\alpha} \in \mathbb{B}_{\alpha} form a basis for the box topology on αJXα\prod _{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} .

The collection of all sets of the same form, where BαBαB_{\alpha} \in \mathbb{B}_{\alpha} for finitely many indices α\alpha and Bα=XαB_{\alpha} = \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for all the remaining indices, will form a basis for the product topology αJXα\prod_{\alpha \in J}\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.5. 19 Let AαA_{\alpha} be a subspace of Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} , for each αJ\alpha \in J . Then Aα\prod A_{\alpha} is a subspace of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} if both products are given the box topology, or if both products are given the product topology. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.6. 20 If each space Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is a Hausdorff space, then Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is a Hausdorff space in both the box and product topologies. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.7. Let {Xα}\{ \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} \} be an indexed family of spaces; let AαXαA_{\alpha} \subseteq \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . If Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} is given either the product or the box topology, then Aα=Aα\prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} = \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} :::

::: proof Proof. Let πα\pi_{\alpha} represent the projection mapping.

Let xx be an element of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Let VV be an open set in Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} that containing xx .

If xAαx \in \prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} , then πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is a open set in Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} that containing xαx_{\alpha} . Thus πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) intersect with AαA_{\alpha} . Thus VV intersect with Aα\prod A_{\alpha} . Thus xAαx \in \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} .

If xAαx \in \overline{\prod A_{\alpha}} . Let UαU_{\alpha} be an open set of AαA_{\alpha} that contain xαx_{\alpha} . Let V=UβV = \prod U_{\beta} such that Uβ={Xβ,βαUα,β=αU_{\beta} = \begin{cases} \mathbb{X}_{\beta}, & \beta \neq \alpha \\ U_{\alpha}, & \beta = \alpha \end{cases} . It is obvious that VV is an open set that contain xx . Thus VV intersect with Aα\prod A_{\alpha} . Thus UαU_{\alpha} intersect with AαA_{\alpha} . Thus xAαx \in \prod \overline{A_{\alpha}} . ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.8. Let f:AαJXαf: A \rightarrow \prod_{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} be given by the equation f(a)=(fα(a))αJf(a) = ( f_{\alpha}(a) )_{\alpha \in J} where fα:AXαf_{\alpha} : A \rightarrow \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} for each α\alpha . Let Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} have the product topology. Then the function ff is continuous if and only if each function fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. :::

::: proof Proof. Let πα\pi_{\alpha} be the projection mapping

It is obvious that f1(U)=αJfα1(πα(U))f^{-1}(U) = \bigcap_{\alpha \in J} f_{\alpha}^{-1}(\pi_{\alpha}(U))

If fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. Let VV be a closed set of αJXα\prod_{\alpha \in J} \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Then πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is closed. Then f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is intersect of closed set. Thus πα(V)\pi_{\alpha}(V) is closed. So ff is continuous.

If ff is continuous. Let UαU_{\alpha} be an open set of Xα\mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . Let Uβ=XβU_{\beta} = \mathbb{X}_{\beta} if βα\beta \neq \alpha . Let V=βJUβV = \prod_{\beta \in J} U_{\beta} . It is obvious that VV is an open set of Xα\prod \mathbb{X}_{\alpha} . And

f1V=αJfα1(πα(U))=fα1(Uα)\begin{aligned} f^{-1}{V} &=& \bigcap_{\alpha \in J} f_{\alpha}^{-1}(\pi_{\alpha}(U)) \\ &=& f_{\alpha}^{-1}(U_{\alpha}) \end{aligned}

which is an open set in AA . Thus fαf_{\alpha} is continuous. ◻ :::

The Subspace Topology

::: {#def:SubspaceTopology .definition} Definition 1.24 (subspace topology). Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space with topology T\mathbb{T} . If YY is a subset of X\mathbb{X} , the collection TY={YUUT}\mathbb{T}_{Y} = \{ Y \cap U | U \in \mathbb{T} \} is a topology on YY , called the subspace topology.

YY is also called a subspace of X\mathbb{X} :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.6. 21 If B\mathbb{B} is basis for the topology of X\mathbb{X} , YY is a subset of X\mathbb{X} then the collection BY={BYBB}\mathbb{B}_{Y} = \{ B \cap Y | B \in \mathbb{B} \} is a basis for the subspace topology on YY :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.7. 22 Let YY be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . If UU is open in YY and YY is open in X\mathbb{X} , then UU is open in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.9. 23 If AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} and BB is a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} , then the product topology on A×BA \times B is the same as the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} :::

::: proof Proof. Let BX\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}} and BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}} and BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}} be basis of topology of X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} and X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} respectively. Let BX\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' and BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' and BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}' be basis of topology of AA and AA and A×BA \times B respectively. We will show that BX×BY=BXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' = \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}'. Thus, the product topology on A×BA \times B is the same as the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .

First, every element in BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' can be represented by BAA×BBB=BA×BBA×BBXYB_{A} \cap A \times B_{B} \cap B = B_{A} \times B_{B} \cap A \times B \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}' where BABX,BBBYB_{A} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}', B_{B} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}'. Thus BX×BYBXY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' \subseteq \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}'.

Next, we show that BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' generate the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} . For any open set UU in X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} , and xUA×B,BX×BYBXY,xBX×BYX×Y\forall x \in U \cap A \times B, \exists B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{XY}}, x \in B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \subseteq \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}. Thus xBX×BYA×BA×B,BX×BYA×BBX×BYx \in B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \cap A \times B \subseteq A \times B, B_{\mathbb{X}} \times B_{\mathbb{Y}} \cap A \times B \in \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}'. Thus BX×BY\mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{X}}' \times \mathbb{B}_{\mathbb{Y}}' generate the topology A×BA \times B inherits as a subspace of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .gi ◻ :::

::: {#def:OrderedSquare .definition} Definition 1.25 (ordered square). Let I=[0,1]I = [0,1]. The set I×II \times I in the dictionary order 24 topology will be called ordered square, and denoted by Io2I_{o}^{2} :::

::: {#def:Convex .definition} Definition 1.26 (convex). Given an ordered set X\mathbb{X} , let us say that a subset Y\mathbb{Y} of X\mathbb{X} is convex in X\mathbb{X} if for each pair of points a<ba < b of Y\mathbb{Y} , the entire interval (a,b)(a,b) of points of X\mathbb{X} lies in Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.10. 25 Let X\mathbb{X} be an ordered set in the order topology. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subset of X\mathbb{X} that is convex in X\mathbb{X} . Then the order topology on Y\mathbb{Y} is the same as the topology Y\mathbb{Y} inherits as a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: proof Proof. Consider the ray (a,+)(a,+\infty) in X\mathbb{X} . If aYa \in \mathbb{Y}, then (a,+)Y={xxYandx>a}(a,+\infty) \cap \mathbb{Y} = \{ x | x \in \mathbb{Y} and x > a \}

This is an open ray of the ordered set of Y\mathbb{Y} . if aYa \notin Y, then aa is either a lower bound on Y\mathbb{Y} or an upper bound on Y\mathbb{Y} , since Y\mathbb{Y} is convex. In the former case, the set (a,+)Y(a,+\infty) \cap \mathbb{Y} equals all of Y\mathbb{Y} , in the latter case, it is empty.

A similar remark shows that the intersection of the rat (,a)(-\infty,a) with Y\mathbb{Y} is either an open ray of Y\mathbb{Y} , or Y\mathbb{Y} itself, or empty. Since the sets (a,+)Y(a,+\infty) \cal \mathbb{Y} and (,a)Y(-\infty,a) \cap \mathbb{Y} form a subbasis for the subspace topology on Y\mathbb{Y} , and since each is open in the order topology, the order topology contains the subspace topology.

To prove the reverse, note that any open ray of Y\mathbb{Y} equals the intersection of an open ray of X\mathbb{X} with Y\mathbb{Y} , so it is open in the subspace topology on Y\mathbb{Y} . Since the open rays of Y\mathbb{Y} are a subbasis for the order topology on Y\mathbb{Y} , this topology is contained in the subspace topology. ◻ :::


  1. A map f:XY\mathit{f} : \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is said to be a open map[]{#def:OpenMap label="def:OpenMap"} if for every open set UXU \subseteq \mathbb{X}, the set f(U)\mathit{f}(U) is open in Y\mathbb{Y} . Show that π:X×YX\pi : \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} is open map.

    ::: proof Proof. An open set in X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} can be represented by (Ui×Ui)\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' ) where Ui,UiU_{i}, U_{i}' are open sets in X\mathbb{X} , Y\mathbb{Y} , respectively.

    Also, (Ui×Ui)=(Ui)×(Ui)\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' ) = \cup( U_{i} ) \times \cup( U_{i}' )

    Thus, π((Ui×Ui))=(Ui)\pi(\cup( U_{i} \times U_{i}' )) = \cup( U_{i} )

    Thus, π(U)\pi(U) is open in X\mathbb{X} . ◻ :::

  2. Let X\mathbb{X} and X\mathbb{X'} denote a single set in the topologies T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} , respectively; let Y\mathbb{Y} and Y\mathbb{Y'} denote a single set in the topologies U\mathbb{U} and U\mathbb{U'} , respectively. 26 Assume these sets are nonempty.

    1. Show that if TT\mathbb{T}' \supseteq \mathbb{T} and UU\mathbb{U}' \supseteq \mathbb{U} , then the product topologies X×Y\mathbb{X'} \times \mathbb{Y'} is finer than the product topology on X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} .

    2. Does the converse of the previous statement hold?

  3. Show that the countable collection27 {(a,b)×(c,d)a<b,c<d,aQ,bQ,cQ,dQ}\{ (a,b) \times (c,d) | a < b, c < d, a \in \mathbb{Q}, b \in \mathbb{Q}, c \in \mathbb{Q}, d \in \mathbb{Q} \} is a basis for R2\mathbb{R}^{2}

    ::: proof Proof. This is obvious if you prove that (a,b)×(c,d)(a,b) \times (c,d) is a rectangle in the R2\mathbb{R}^{2} plane. ◻ :::

  4. Let X\mathbb{X} be an ordered set. If Y\mathbb{Y} is a proper subset of X\mathbb{X} that is convex in X\mathbb{X} prove that Y\mathbb{Y} may not be an interval or a ray in X\mathbb{X} .

    ::: proof Proof. Let X=R2\mathbb{X} = \mathbb{R}^{2} with dictionary order. Then Y={(x,y)1x1}Y = \{ (x,y) | -1 \le x \le 1 \} is convex in X\mathbb{X} , however it is not an interval or a ray. ◻ :::

    There is a false prove given by myself.

    ::: proof Proof. Let S\mathbb{S} be a set that contain all intervals and rays of Y\mathbb{Y} . We define a partial order on S\mathbb{S} by inclusion. So if there is a chain in S\mathbb{S} : S1S2S3S_{1} \subseteq S_{2} \subseteq S_{3} \dots

    Let S=S1S2S3S = S_{1} \cup S_{2} \cup S_{3} \cup \dots

    Thus, SS is an upper bound of the chain.

    Thus, by Zorn's Lemma, there is a maximal element of S\mathbb{S} , say UU , then we prove that U=YU = \mathbb{Y} .

    If UYU \neq \mathbb{Y} , then x,xYU\exists x, x \in \mathbb{Y} - U .

    If UU is a ray say (a,+)(a,+\infty) . Then x<ax < a , thus U(x,+)BU \subseteq (x,+\infty) \subseteq \mathbb{B} , then there is contradiction with the maximal element.

    If UU is an interval, the circumstance is similar with the proof of UU is a ray.

    Thus Y\mathbb{Y} is a ray or an interval. ◻ :::

    However, there is issue with this proof, the set SS does exists. However, it may not be an interval or ray, so it may not be contained in S\mathbb{S}

Closed Sets and Limit Points

::: {#def:Closed .definition} Definition 1.27 (closed). 28 A subset AA of a topological space is said to be closed if the set XA\mathbb{X}-A is open. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.11. 29 Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space. Then the following conditions hold

  1. \emptyset and X\mathbb{X} are closed.

  2. Arbitrary intersections of closed sets are closed

  3. Finite unions of closed sets are closed :::

::: {#def:ClosedIn .definition} Definition 1.28 (closed in). Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space; let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . We say that a set AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} if AA is a subset of Y\mathbb{Y} and AA is closed in the subspace topology of Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.12. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . Then a set AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} if and only if it equals the intersection of a closed set of X\mathbb{X} with Y\mathbb{Y} :::

::: proof Proof. First we proof that if AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} , then BX,BY=A\exists B \subseteq \mathbb{X}, B \cap \mathbb{Y} = A . As the origin topology form a surjective map to its subspace topology, there exists a BB closed in X\mathbb{X} that YA=(XB)Y\mathbb{Y} - A = ( \mathbb{X} - B ) \cap \mathbb{Y} . Then BY=AB \cap \mathbb{Y} = A

Conversely, if BX,BY=A\exists B \subseteq \mathbb{X}, B \cap \mathbb{Y} = A . Then, YA=(XB)Y\mathbb{Y} - A = ( \mathbb{X} - B ) \cap \mathbb{Y} . Then XB\mathbb{X}-B is open in Y\mathbb{Y} , YA\mathbb{Y}-A is open in Y\mathbb{Y} . Then AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.13. 30 Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of X\mathbb{X} . If AA is closed in Y\mathbb{Y} and Y\mathbb{Y} is closed in X\mathbb{X} , then AA is closed in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: {#def:Interior .definition} Definition 1.29 (interior). Given a subset AA of a topological space X\mathbb{X} , the interior of AA is defined as the union of all open sets contained in AA . Denoted by Int(A)Int(A). :::

::: {#def:Closure .definition} Definition 1.30 (closure). Given a subset AA of a topological space X\mathbb{X} , the closure of AA is defined as the intersection of all closed sets containing AA . Denoted by Cl(A)Cl(A) or A\overline{A} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.14. 3132 Let Y\mathbb{Y} be a subspace of a topological space X\mathbb{X} ; let AA be a subset of X\mathbb{X} . Let A\overline{A} denote the closure of AA in X\mathbb{X} . Then the closure of AA in Y\mathbb{Y} equals AY\overline{A} \cap \mathbb{Y} :::

::: {#def:Intersect .definition} Definition 1.31 (intersect). We say that a set AA intersects BB if ABA \cap B is not empty. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.15. Let AA be a subset of the topological space X\mathbb{X}

  1. The xAx \in \overline{A} if and only if every open set UU containing xx intersect AA .

  2. Supposing the topology of X\mathbb{X} is given by a basis, then xAx \in \overline{A} if and only if every basis element BB containing xx intersects AA :::

::: proof Proof. There are only two types of closed set UU in X\mathbb{X} :

  1. UAU \supseteq \overline{A}

  2. UAAU \cap A \neq A

Thus, there are only two types of open set UU in X\mathbb{X} respectively.

  1. UU does not intersects AA .

  2. UAU \cap \overline{A} \neq \emptyset

  3. If xAx \in \overline{A} , then every open set containing xx is the open set of second type, thus every open set containing xx intersects AA

    If every open set containing xx intersect A\mathbb{A} , suppose xAx \notin \overline{A} . Then XA\mathbb{X} - \overline{A} is a open set containing x, however, it does not intersects AA . Thus, xAx \in \overline{A} .

  4. If xAx \in \overline{A} , as every basis element of X\mathbb{X} is a open set, thus every basis element containing xx intersects A\mathbb{A}

    If every open set containing xx intersect A\mathbb{A} , suppose xAx \notin \overline{A} .

    As every open sets can be represented by union of basis. Let XA=B1B2B3B1B2B3\mathbb{X} - \overline{A} = B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots \cup B_{1}' \cup B_{2}' \cup B_{3}' \cup \dots where BB are bases containing xx , and BB' are bases that does not contain xx .

    Thus, xB1B2B3XAx \in B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots \subseteq \mathbb{X} - \overline{A}

    Then B1B2B3B_{1} \cup B_{2} \cup B_{3} \cup \dots that is a open set can be generated by all the bases containing xx , however, that does not intersects AA . So, xAx \in \overline{A} .

 ◻ :::

::: {#def:Neighbourhood .definition} Definition 1.32 (neighbourhood). 33 If we say UU is a neighbourhood of xx in X\mathbb{X} , then UU is an open set in X\mathbb{X} containing xx :::

::: {#def:LimitPoint .definition} Definition 1.33 (limit point, point of accumulation, cluster point). 34 If AA is a subset of topological space X\mathbb{X} .We say that xx is a limit point of AA if and only if every open sets containing xx intersects A with some points other than xx .

This condition is also equivalent to the condition that if xx is a limit point of AA if and only if xA{x}x \in \overline{A-\{x\}} :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.16. 35 Let AA be a subset of topological space X\mathbb{X} ; let AA' be the set of all limit points of AA . Then A=AA\overline{A} = A \cup A' :::

::: corollary Corollary 1.1. 36 A subset of a topological space is closed if and only if it contains all its limit point. :::

::: {#def:Converge .definition} Definition 1.34 (converge). 37 We say that a sequence of x1,x2,x3x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots converge to xx . When for every neighbourhood UU of xx , there exists a positive integer NN , such that for all n>Nn > N , xnUx_{n} \in U . :::

::: {#def:HausdorffSpace .definition} Definition 1.35 (Hausdorff space). A topological space is called a Hausdorff space, if for every distinct x1x_{1} , x2x_{2} in X\mathbb{X} , there exists disjoint neighbourhood of U1U_{1} , U2U_{2} of x1x_{1} , x2x_{2} in X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.17. 3839 Every finite point set in a Hausdorff space X\mathbb{X} is closed. :::

::: proof Proof. Let AA be a finite point set in a Hausdorff space X\mathbb{X} .

Suppose AA only have one element. Then for every xXAx\in\mathbb{X}-A , there exists a neighbourhood of xx that does not intersect with AA . So AA is closed.

Suppose AA is a closed finite point set. We take x0XAx_{0}\in\mathbb{X}-A . As finite union of closed set is closed, A{x0}A\cup\{x_{0}\} is closed.

Then, from induction, all finite point set in a Hausdorff space is closed. ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.18. If X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space, then a sequence of points in X\mathbb{X} converges to at most one point. :::

::: proof Proof. Suppose that the following sequence x1,x2,x3x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3}\dots

Converge to more than one points say y1,y2,y3y_{1}, y_{2}, y_{3}\dots

Then there exists n1,n2,n3,U1,U2,U3n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}\dots, U_{1}, U_{2}, U_{3}\dots

Such that for n>nin > n_{i} xnUi,yiUix_{n} \in U_{i}, y_{i} \in U_{i}

If we take disjoint U1,U2U_{1}, U_{2} which is possible as this is a Hausdorff space.

Then the previews condition does not stand. So, every sequence of points in a Hausdorff space can only converge to at most one point. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Limit .definition} Definition 1.36 (limit). If a sequence xnx_{n} of points in Hausdorff space converge to the point xx , we denote this by xnxx_{n} \rightarrow x and we say the limit of xnx_{n} is xx . :::

::: {#def:T1Axiom .definition} Definition 1.37 ( T1T_{1} axiom). The condition that all finite point set of a topological space is closed is called T1T_{1} axiom. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.19. Let X\mathbb{X} be a space satisfying the T1T_{1} axiom; let AA be a subset of X\mathbb{X} . Then the point xx is a limit point of AA if and only if every neighbourhood of xx contains infinitely many points of AA . :::

::: proof Proof. If every neighbourhood of xx contains infinitely many point of AA . Than every neighbourhood of xx intersect with AA with infinite element other than xx , then xx is a limit point of AA .

If xx is a limit point of AA . Suppose that there exists a open set UU containing xx and intersect with AA for finite many points. Let U=U(Ax)U' = U \cap ( A - x )

Then, xUx \notin U' . Let U=UUU'' = U - U'

Then UU'' is open as UU' is a finite point set and U=UU=U(XU)U'' = U - U' = U \cap (\mathbb{X} - U')

Also, xUx \in U'' . Thus, UU'' is a open set containing xx that only intersect AA with xx or do not intersect AA . This is a contradiction of x is a limit point. Thus there does not exists a open set UU containing xx and intersect with AA for finite many points. ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.20. 40 Every simply ordered set is a Hausdorff space in order topology. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.21. 41 The product of two Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.22. 42 A subspace of a Hausdorff space is a Hausdorff space. :::


  1. Give an counter example why Aα=Aα\overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} = \cup \overline{A_{\alpha}} dose not hold.

    ::: proof Proof. Consider the X be the K-topology on the real line.


    An=(1n+1,1n),nZ+A=An\begin{aligned} A_{n} &=& (\frac{1}{n+1},\frac{1}{n}), n \in \mathbb{Z}_{+} \\ A &=& \cup A_{n} \end{aligned}


    An=[1n+1,1n]An=(0,1]\begin{aligned} \overline{A_{n}} &=& [\frac{1}{n+1},\frac{1}{n}] \\ \cup \overline{A_{n}} &=& (0,1] \end{aligned}

    However, as every neighbourhood of 00 intersect Aα\cup A_{\alpha} . 0Aα0 \in \overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} .

    Thus, AαAα\overline{\cup A_{\alpha}} \neq \cup \overline{A_{\alpha}} ◻ :::

  2. Prove that ABAB\overline{A-B} \supseteq \overline{A} - \overline{B}

    ::: proof Proof. If xABx \in \overline{A} - \overline{B} . Then

    xA,xB\begin{aligned} x \in \overline{A}, x \notin \overline{B} \end{aligned}


    Thus for open set UU containing xx

    U1B=UA\begin{aligned} &\exists& U_{1} \cap B = \emptyset \\ &\forall& U \cap A \neq \emptyset \end{aligned}

    Suppose that xABx \notin \overline{A-B} . Then\

    U0(AB)=\begin{aligned} \exists U_{0} \cap (A-B) = \emptyset \end{aligned}


    U0AB\begin{aligned} U_{0} \cap A \subseteq B \end{aligned}


    U1B=U1U0A=\begin{aligned} U_{1} \cap B &=& \emptyset \\ U_{1} \cap U_{0} \cap A &=& \emptyset \end{aligned}

    As U1U0U_{1} \cap U_{0} is an open set containing xx , so there is contradiction with xAx \in \overline{A} . Thus xABx \in \overline{A-B} . ◻ :::

  3. A diagonal[]{#def:Diagonal label="def:Diagonal"} is a subset Δ={x×xxX}\Delta = \{ x \times x | x \in \mathbb{X} \} of the product topology X×X\mathbb{X \times X} where X\mathbb{X} is a topological space. Show that the diagonal is closed in X×X\mathbb{X \times X} if and only if X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space.

    ::: proof Proof. If X\mathbb{X} is a Hausdorff space. For every element x×yx \times y of X×X\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} that not in Δ\Delta . We take disjoint set Ux,UyU_{x},U_{y} where xUx,yUyx \in U_{x}, y \in U_{y} . Then X×XΔ=xyUx×Uy\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta = \cup_{x \neq y} U_{x} \times U_{y} . Where xyUx×Uy\cup_{x \neq y} U_{x} \times U_{y} is an open set. Thus Δ\Delta is a closed set.

    Conversely, if Δ\Delta is a closed set, suppose that X\mathbb{X} is not a Hausdorff space. Then there exists distinct x,yx, y such that every neighbourhood of xx and yy intersect. Let B\mathbb{B} be a basis of topology of X\mathbb{X} . Then x×yX×XΔx \times y \in \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta . However we cannot find B1,B2B,x×yB1×B2X×XΔB_{1}, B_{2} \in \mathbb{B}, x \times y \in B_{1} \times B_{2} \subset \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} - \Delta . Then Δ\Delta is not a closed set. So there is a contradiction, then X\mathbb{X} must be a Hausdorff space. ◻ :::

  4. Prove that T1T_{1} axiom is equivalent to the condition such that for every distinct pair x,yx,y of X\mathbb{X} , there exists neighbourhood of xx does not contain yy .

    ::: proof Proof. First if T1T_{1} axiom hold, then for every pair x,yx,y , the neighbourhood X{y}\mathbb{X}-\{y\} of xx does not contain yy , so the second condition hold.

    Conversely, if the second condition hold. Suppose that we can find a finite points set say {x1,x2,x3\{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots }, then there must exists x{x1,x2,x3x \in \{x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3} \dots } such that the set {x}\{x\} is not closed. Then {x}{x}\overline{\{x\}} - \{x\} \neq \emptyset . Let y{x}{x}y \in \overline{\{x\}} - \{x\} , then every neighbourhood of y must contain xx , this is a contradiction to the second condition, so the T1T_{1} axiom must hold. ◻ :::

  5. If AXA \subseteq \mathbb{X} , we define the boundary[]{#def:Boundary label="def:Boundary"} of AA by the equation BdA=AXA\text{Bd} A = \overline{A} \cap \overline{\mathbb{X}-A}

    1. Show that IntA\text{Int}A and BdA\text{Bd} A are disjoint and A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A .

      ::: proof Proof. For every xBdAx \in \text{Bd}A , every open set contain xx must intersect AA and XA\mathbb{X}-A so, there is no open set UU contain xx , UAU \subseteq A .

      For every xIntAx' \in \text{Int}A , there exists UAU' \subseteq A , so BdA\text{Bd}A and IntA\text{Int}A are disjoint sets.

      For every xAx \in \overline{A} , xBdAx \in \text{Bd}A or xBdAx \notin \text{Bd}A . We discuss the condition that xBdAx \notin \text{Bd}A .

      Then xXAx \notin \overline{\mathbb{X}-A} , then there exists a open set UU containing xx , that does not intersect with XA\mathbb{X}-A . Thus UAU \subseteq A , thus xIntAx \in \text{Int}A . So AIntABdA\overline{A} \subseteq \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A .

      Then, BdAA\text{Bd}A \subseteq \overline{A} , IntAAA\text{Int}A \subseteq A \subseteq \overline{A} . Thus, AIntABdA\overline{A} \supseteq \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A

      So, A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A ◻ :::

    2. Show that BdA=\text{Bd}A = \emptyset if and only if AA is both open and closed.

      ::: proof Proof. So, IntA=A\text{Int}A = \overline{A} , then BdA=\text{Bd}A = \emptyset follows directly from A=IntABdA\overline{A} = \text{Int} A \cup \text{Bd} A . ◻ :::

    3. Show that UU is open if and only if BdU=UU\text{Bd}U = \overline{U}-U .

      ::: proof Proof. Suppose U is open. Then XU=XU\overline{\mathbb{X}-U} = \mathbb{X} - U . Then for every xUx \in U , xXU,xXUx \notin \mathbb{X} - U, x \notin \overline{\mathbb{X}-U} . Thus UXU=UU\overline{U} \cap \overline{\mathbb{X}-U}=\overline{U}-U .

      Conversely, suppose BdU=UU\text{Bd}U = \overline{U}-U . Then for every xUx \in U , xBdUx \notin \text{Bd}U . Then as U=IntUBdU\overline{U} = \text{Int}U\cup \text{Bd}U , xIntUx \in \text{Int}U . So IntUU\text{Int}U \supseteq U . Thus U=IntUU = \text{Int}U . Thus, UU is open. ◻ :::

Continuous Function

::: {#def:ContinuousRelativeTo .definition} Definition 1.38 (continuous). []{#def:Continuous label="def:Continuous"}43 Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces. A function f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is said to be continuous if for each open subset VV of Y\mathbb{Y} , the set f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is an open subset of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.23. Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological spaces; let f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} . Then the following are equivalent.

  1. ff is continuous.

  2. For every subset AA of XX , one has f(A)f(A)f(\overline{A})\subseteq\overline{f(A)} .

  3. For every closed set BB of Y\mathbb{Y} , the set f1(B)f^{-1}(B) is closed in X\mathbb{X} .

  4. For each xXx\in\mathbb{X} and each neighbourhood of VV of f(x)f(x) , there is a neighbourhood UU of xx such that f(U)Vf(U) \subseteq V . :::

::: proof Proof. 1 \Rightarrow 3:

Let AA be a open set in Y\mathbb{Y} . f1(YA)=Xf1(A)f^{-1}(\mathbb{Y}-A) = \mathbb{X} - f^{-1}(A) .

3 \Rightarrow 1:

Let AA be a closed set in Y\mathbb{Y} . f1(YA)=Xf1(A)f^{-1}(\mathbb{Y}-A) = \mathbb{X} - f^{-1}(A) .

1 \Rightarrow 2:

For xAx \in \overline{A} , we take a open set f(x)UYf(x) \in U \subseteq \mathbb{Y} . Thus xf1(U)Ax \in f^{-1}(U) \cap A \neq \emptyset . Thus Uf(A)U \cap f(A) \neq \emptyset . So f(x)f(A)f(x) \in \overline{f(A)} . Thus f(A)f(A)f(\overline{A})\subseteq\overline{f(A)} .

2 \Rightarrow 3:

Suppose ff is not continuous. Then there must exists VV , such that f1(V)=Uf^{-1}(V) = U is not closed. Thus UB=f1(A)\overline{U} \supset B = f^{-1}(A) . Thus fBAf{\overline{B}} \supset A . However f(B)f(B)=Af(\overline{B}) \subseteq \overline{f(B)} = A . There is a contradiction. So ff must be continuous.

1 \Rightarrow 4:

For every neighbourhood VV of f(x)f(x) , f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is a neighbourhood of xx that f(f1(V))Vf(f^{-1}(V)) \subseteq V .

4 \Rightarrow 1:

We take a open set VV of Y\mathbb{Y} . Let SS be the collection of all open set UU in X\mathbb{X} such that f(U)Vf(U) \subseteq V . The set cannot be empty unless f1(V)=f^{-1}(V) = \emptyset . Let U0U_{0} denote the union of all the element in SS . We prove that U0=f1(V)U_{0} = f^{-1}(V) .

For all element xU0x \in U_{0} , f(x)Vf(x) \in V . Thus U0f1(V)U_{0} \subseteq f^{-1}(V) .

For all element xf1(V)x \in f^{-1}(V) . There is a UU' such that xU,f(U)Vx \in U', f(U')\subseteq V . This follows from the condition 4. Thus USU' \in S . Thus xU0x \in U_{0} . Thus U0f1(V)U_{0} \subseteq f^{-1}(V) . As U0U_{0} is union of open set, U0U_{0} is also open. Thus, f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is also open.

Thus ff is continuous. ◻ :::

::: {#def:Homeomorphism .definition} Definition 1.39 (homeomorphism). 44 Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be topological space; let f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be a bijection. If both the function ff and the inverse function f1:YXf^{-1}: \mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} are continuous, then f is called a homeomorphism :::

::: {#def:TopologicalImbedding .definition} Definition 1.40 (topological imbedding). Suppose that f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is an injective continuous map, where X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} are topological spaces. Let Z\mathbb{Z} be the image set f(X)f(\mathbb{X}) , considered as a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} ; then the function f:XZf': \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} obtained by restricting the range of ff is bijective. If ff' happens to be a homeomorphism of X\mathbb{X} with Z\mathbb{Z} , we say that the map f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is a topological imbedding, or simply an imbedding, of X\mathbb{X} in Y\mathbb{Y} . :::

::: {#theorem:RulesForConstructingContinuousFunctions .theorem} Theorem 1.24 (Rules for constructing continuous functions). Let X\mathbb{X} , Y\mathbb{Y} , and Z\mathbb{Z} be topological spaces.

  1. (Constant function) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} maps all of X\mathbb{X} into the single point y0y_{0} of Y\mathbb{Y} , then ff is continuous.

  2. (Inclusion) If AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} , the inclusion function j:AXj: A \rightarrow \mathbb{X} is continuous.

  3. (Composites) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} and g:YZg:\mathbb{Y}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z} are continuous, then the map gf:XZg \circ f: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} is continuous.

  4. (Restricting the domain) If f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is continuous, and if AA is a subspace of X\mathbb{X} , then the restriction function fA:AYf|A : A \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} is continuous.

  5. (Restricting or expanding the range) Let f:XYf:\mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} is continuous. Let Z\mathbb{Z} be a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} containing the image f(X)f(\mathbb{X}) , the function h:XZh: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z} obtained by restricting the range of ff is continuous. If Z\mathbb{Z} is a space having Y\mathbb{Y} as a subspace, then the function h:XYh: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} obtained by expanding the range of ff is continuous.

  6. (Local formulation of continuity) The map f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} is continuous if X\mathbb{X} can be written as the union of open sets UαU_{\alpha} such set fUαf|U_{\alpha} is continuous for each α\alpha :::

::: proof Proof.

  1. f1(U)f^{-1}(U) of any open set UU is X\mathbb{X} , thus ff is continuous.

  2. For every open subset UU of X\mathbb{X} , j1(U)=UAj^{-1}(U) = U\cap A is continuous in AA . Thus jj is a continuous function.

  3. For every open subset UU of Z\mathbb{Z} , f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open in Y\mathbb{Y} , and g1(f1(U))g^{-1}(f^{-1}(U)) is open in X\mathbb{X} . Thus, gfg \circ f is continuous

  4. For every open subset UU of Y\mathbb{Y} , f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open in X\mathbb{X} , thus f1(U)Af^{-1}(U)\cap A is open in AA . Thus the function fAf|A is continuous.

  5. If Z\mathbb{Z} is a subspace of Y\mathbb{Y} , then every open subset of Z\mathbb{Z} can be represented as UZU\cap\mathbb{Z} , where UU is a open subset of Y\mathbb{Y} . Thus h1(UZ)=g1(Z)g1(U)=Xg1(U)h^{-1}(U\cap\mathbb{Z})=g^{-1}(\mathbb{Z})\cap g^{-1}(U) = \mathbb{X}\cap g^{-1}(U) which is a open subset of XX , thus hh is continuous.

    If Y\mathbb{Y} is a subspace of Z\mathbb{Z} . Then we take a open subset UU of Z\mathbb{Z} . h1(U)=g(1)(UY)h^{-1}(U) = g^(-1)(U\cap \mathbb{Y}) which is open in X\mathbb{X} , thus hh is continuous.

  6. if fUαf|U_{\alpha} is continuous for each α\alpha . For every open subset UU of Y\mathbb{Y} . U=α(UαU)U = \cup_{\alpha} (U_{\alpha}\cap U) where UαUU_{\alpha}\cap U is open both in UαU_{\alpha} and in Y\mathbb{Y} .


    f1(U)=f1(α(UαU))=α((fUα)1(UαU))\begin{aligned} f^{-1}(U) &=& f^{-1}(\cup_{\alpha} (U_{\alpha}\cap U)) \\ &=& \cup_{\alpha} ((f|U_{\alpha})^{-1}(U_{\alpha}\cap U)) \end{aligned}

    and each (fUα)1(UαU)(f|U_{\alpha})^{-1}(U_{\alpha}\cap U) is open, thus f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open.

 ◻ :::

::: {#theorem:ThePastingLemma .theorem} Theorem 1.25 (The pasting lemma). 45 Let X=AB\mathbb{X} = A \cup B , where A,BA,B are closed in X\mathbb{X} . Let f:AYf: A\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} and g:BYg: B \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be continuous. If f(x)=g(x)f(x)=g(x) for every xABx\in A\cap B , then f,gf,g combine to give a continuous function h:XYh: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow\mathbb{Y} , defined by setting h(x)=f(x),xAh(x)=f(x),x\in A and h(x)=g(x),xBh(x)=g(x),x\in B . :::

::: {#def:CoordinateFunctions .theorem} Theorem 1.26 (Maps into products). []{#theorem:MapsIntoProducts label="theorem:MapsIntoProducts"} 46 Let f:AX×Yf: A \rightarrow \mathbb{X}\times\mathbb{Y} be given by the equation f(a)=(f1(a),f2(a))f(a) = (f_{1}(a),f_{2}(a))

Then, the function ff is continuous if and only if the functions f1:AX,f2:AYf_{1}: A \rightarrow \mathbb{X}, f_{2}: A \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} are continuous. :::

::: proof Proof. Let π1,π2\pi_{1},\pi_{2} be the projection function

π1:X×YXπ2:X×YY\begin{aligned} \pi_{1}&:& \mathbb{X}\times\mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{X} \\ \pi_{2}&:& \mathbb{X}\times\mathbb{Y} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} \end{aligned}

We first proof that if UU is an open subset of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y} , f1(U)=f11(π1(U))f21(π2(U))f^{-1}(U) = f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(U)) \cap f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(U))

Let x×yUx \times y \in U , f1(x×y)f^{-1}(x \times y) contains all aa such that f(a)=x×yf(a) = x \times y .

Then for any af1(x×y)a \in f^{-1}(x \times y) , af11(π1(x×y)),af21(π2(x×y))a \in f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(x \times y)), a \in f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(x \times y)) .

Thus, f1(x×y)f11(π1(x×y))f21(π2(x×y))f^{-1}(x \times y) \subseteq f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(x \times y)) \cap f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(x \times y)) .

Thus f1(U)f11(π1(U))f21(π2(U))f^{-1}(U) \subseteq f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(U)) \cap f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(U)) .

Also, if af11(π1(x×y)),af21(π2(x×y))a \in f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(x \times y)), a \in f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(x \times y)) , f1(a)=x,f2(a)=yf_{1}(a) = x, f_{2}(a) = y .

Thus f(a)=x×yf(a) = x \times y . Thus af1(x×y)a \in f^{-1}(x \times y) .

Thus f1(U)=f11(π1(U))f21(π2(U))f^{-1}(U) = f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(U)) \cap f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(U))

Let UU be any open subset of X×Y\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}

f1(U)=f11(π1(U))f21(π2(U))f^{-1}(U) = f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(U)) \cap f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(U))

Where f11(π1(U))f_{1}^{-1}(\pi_{1}(U)) and f21(π2(U))f_{2}^{-1}(\pi_{2}(U)) are both open set. Thus f1(U)f^{-1}(U) is open. ◻ :::


  1. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be an ordered set in the order topology. Let f,g:XYf,g: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be continuous, show that the set AA {xf(x)g(x)}\{ x | f(x) \le g(x) \} is closed in X\mathbb{X} .

    ::: proof Proof. We only need to proof XA\mathbb{X}-A is open in X\mathbb{X} . We take xXAx \in \mathbb{X}-A . Thus f(x)>g(x)f(x) > g(x) .

    Let U1,U2U_{1},U{2} be the open set in Y\mathbb{Y} that met the following demand

    y1U1,y2U2,y1>y2f(x)U1,gxU2\begin{aligned} &&\forall y_{1} \in U_{1}, y_{2} \in U_{2}, y_{1} > y_{2} \\ &&f(x) \in U_{1}, g_{x} \in U_{2} \end{aligned}

    As Y\mathbb{Y} is an ordered set, U1,U2U_{1},U{2} must exist.

    Let U=f1(U1)g1(U2)U = f^{-1}(U_{1}) \cap g^{-1}(U_{2}) . It is obvious that UU is a open set, and xUx \in U .

    Also, for any yUy \in U . f(y)>g(y)f(y)>g(y) . Thus UAU \subseteq A . Thus AA is an open set. ◻ :::

  2. Let {Aα}\{A_{\alpha}\} be a collection of subsets of X\mathbb{X} ; let X=αAα\mathbb{X} = \cup_{\alpha}A_{\alpha} . Lef f:XYf: \mathbb{X}\rightarrow \mathbb{Y} ; suppose that fAαf|A_{\alpha} is continuous for each α\alpha . An indexed family of sets {Aα}\{A_{\alpha}\} is said to be locally finite[]{#def:LocallyFinite label="def:LocallyFinite"} if each point xx of X\mathbb{X} has a neighbourhood that intersect AαA_{\alpha} for only finitely main values of α\alpha . Show that if the family {Aα}\{A_{\alpha}\} is locally finite and each AαA_{\alpha} is closed, then ff is continuous.

    ::: proof Proof. For any closed subset UU of Y\mathbb{Y} . Let V=fAα(U)V = \cup f|A_{\alpha}(U)

    We prove that VV is closed, so, ff is continuous.

    To prove that VV is closed, we prove that V=V\overline{V} = V . That is for any xVx \in \overline{V} , we prove xVx \in V . For any neighbourhood BB if xx , let CBC_{B} denote the set that contain all α\alpha , such that fAα(U)f|A_{\alpha(U)} intersect with BB . As BB intersect with VV , CBC_{B} can not be empty.

    Let C={CBB be a neighbourhood of x}\mathbb{C} = \{ C_{B} | B \text{ be a neighbourhood of } x \}

    As {Aα}\{A_{\alpha}\} is locally definite, C\mathbb{C} contain at least one element with finite elements.

    Also CB1B2CB1CB2C_{B_{1} \cap B_{2}} \subseteq C_{B_{1}} \cap C_{B_{2}}

    Let \le be a partial order on the C\mathbb{C} . If CB1CB2C_{B_{1}} \subseteq C_{B_{2}} , we say that CB1CB2C_{B_{1}} \ge C_{B_{2}} .

    If there is chain in C\mathbb{C} CB1CB2C_{B_{1}} \le C_{B_{2}} \dots

    Let CB0C_{B_{0}} be a element of C\mathbb{C} with finite element. If CB0CB1,CB0CB2C_{B_{0}} \subseteq C_{B_{1}}, C_{B_{0}} \subseteq C_{B_{2}} \dots . Then CB0C_{B_{0}} is a upper bound of the chain.

    If CC is not a subset of all element of the chain. Then we construct a new set say D={CB0B1,CB0B2}D = \{ C_{B_{0} \cap B_{1}}, C_{B_{0} \cap B_{2}} \dots \}

    Let D={CD1D2CD1,CD2D}\mathbb{D} = \{ C_{D_{1} \cap D_{2} \cap \dots } | C_{D_1}, C_{D_2}\dots \in D \}

    As CB0C_{B_{0}} is a finite set, DD is a finite set, D\mathbb{D} is also a finite set. Thus there must be a maximal element EDE \in \mathbb{D} that is the subset of all element of D\mathbb{D} . Then EE is a subset of all element of the chain. Thus EE is a upper bound of the chain.

    Thus, there must be a maximal element CFC_{F} of C\mathbb{C} , that is a subset of all element of C\mathbb{C} .

    Let GG be the set be the union of all element of CFC_{F} .

    As CFC_{F} is finite, GG is closed. And all neighbourhood of xx intersect with GG . Thus xGx \in G

    As GG is a subset of VV , xVx \in V . So VV is closed. And ff is a continuous function on X\mathbb{X} . ◻ :::

  3. Let AA be a subset of topological space X\mathbb{X} , let Y\mathbb{Y} be a Hausdorff space. Let f:AYf: A \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be a continuous function. Let g:AYg: \overline{A} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} also be a continuous function where g(x)=f(x),xAg(x) = f(x), x \in A . Prove that gg us uniquely determined by ff .47

    ::: proof Proof. Say gg and hh are two distinct function that met the demand.

    So there exist x0x_{0} such that g(x0)h(x0)g(x_{0}) \neq h(x_{0}) .

    As Y\mathbb{Y} is a Hausdorff space, so there exist adjoint open subset g(x0)Ug(x_{0}) \in U and h(x0)Vh(x_{0}) \in V .

    Then g1(U)g^{-1}(U) and h1(V)h^{-1}(V) are both open subset of X\mathbb{X} that contain x0x_{0} .

    If g1(U)h1(V)Ag^{-1}(U) \cap h^{-1}(V) \cap A \neq \emptyset . Then there exist x1g1(U)h1(V)Ax_{1} \in g^{-1}(U) \cap h^{-1}(V) \cap A such that g(x1)Ug(x_{1}) \in U and h(x1)Vh(x_{1}) \in V and g(x1)=h(x1)g(x_{1})=h(x_{1}) . However UU and VV are disjoint. So there is a contradiction.

    As 1(U)h1(V)^{-1}(U) \cap h^{-1}(V) is a open subset contain x0x_{0} . So 1(U)h1(V)^{-1}(U) \cap h^{-1}(V) must intersect with AA . So it is impossible that g1(U)h1(V)A=g^{-1}(U) \cap h^{-1}(V) \cap A = \emptyset .

    So g=hg=h . ◻ :::

Metric Topology

::: {#def:Distance .definition} Definition 1.41 (metric). []{#def:Metric label="def:Metric"} A metric on a set X\mathbb{X} is a function d:X×XRd: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} having the following properties:

  1. d(x,y)0d(x,y) \geq 0 for all x,yXx,y \in \mathbb{X} ; equality hold if and only if x=yx = y

  2. d(x,y)=d(y,x),x,yXd(x,y) = d(y,x), \forall x,y \in \mathbb{X}

  3. (Triangle Inequality) d(x,y)+d(y,z)d(x,z),x,y,zXd(x,y) + d(y,z) \geq d(x,z), \forall x,y,z \in \mathbb{X}

Given a metric dd on X\mathbb{X} , the number d(x,y)d(x,y) is often called the distancebetween xx and yy in the metric dd . :::

::: {#def:EpsilonBallCenteredAtX .definition} Definition 1.42 ( ϵ\epsilon -ball centered at xx ). *48 Given metric dd on a set X\mathbb{X} and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 . The set

Bd(x,ϵ)={yd(x,y)<ϵ}B_{d}(x,\epsilon) = \{ y | d(x,y) < \epsilon \}

is called ϵ\epsilon -ball centered at xx .* :::

::: {#def:MetricTopology .definition} Definition 1.43 (metric topology). If dd is a metric on the set X\mathbb{X} , then the collection of all ϵ\epsilon -balls Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d}(x,\epsilon) , such that xXx \in \mathbb{X} and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 , is a basis for a topology on X\mathbb{X} , called the metric topology induced by dd . :::

::: {#def:MetricSpace .definition} Definition 1.44 (metrizable). []{#def:Metrizable label="def:Metrizable"} If X\mathbb{X} is topological space, X\mathbb{X} is said to be metrizable if there exists a metric dd on the set X\mathbb{X} that induces the topology of X\mathbb{X} . A metric spaceis a metrizable space X\mathbb{X} together with a specific metric dd that gives the topology of X\mathbb{X} . :::

::: {#def:Bounded .definition} Definition 1.45 (bounded). Let X\mathbb{X} be a metric space with metric dd . A subset AA of X\mathbb{X} is said to be bounded if there is some number MM such that d(a1,a2)Md(a_{1},a_{2}) \leq M for every pair a1a_{1} and a2a_{2} if points of AA . :::

::: {#def:Diameter .definition} Definition 1.46 (diameter). Let X\mathbb{X} be a metric space with metric dd . Let AA be a bounded subset of X\mathbb{X} . Then diameter is defined to be diamA=sup{d(a1,a2)a1,a2A}\mathrm{diam}A = \sup\{ d(a_{1},a_{2}) | a_{1}, a_{2} \in A \} :::

::: {#def:StandardBoundedMetric .theorem} Theorem 1.27. Let X\mathbb{X} be a metric space with metric dd . Define d:X×XR\overline{d}: \mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} by the equation d(x,y)=min{d(x,y),1}\overline{d}(x,y) = min\{ d(x,y),1 \}

Then d\overline{d} is a metric that induces the same topology as dd .

The metric d\overline{d} is called the standard bounded metriccorresponding to dd :::

::: proof Proof. It is obvious that d\overline{d} is a metric.

To prove that dd and d\overline{d} induces the same topology, it is suffice to prove that for all aXa \in X and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 there exists {aα}\{a_{\alpha}\} and {ϵα}\{\epsilon_{\alpha}\} where ϵα1\epsilon_{\alpha} \leq 1 such that Bd(a,ϵ)=Bd(aα,ϵα)B_{d}(a,\epsilon) = \bigcup B_{\overline{d}}(a_{\alpha},\epsilon_{\alpha})

For every xBd(a,ϵ)x \in B_{d}(a,\epsilon) take ax=xa_{x} = x and ϵx<min(ϵd(a,x),1)\epsilon_{x} < min(\epsilon - d(a,x),1) . Then Bd(a,ϵ)Bd(ax,ϵx)B_{d}(a,\epsilon) \supseteq B_{\overline{d}}(a_{x},\epsilon_{x}) as for all yBd(ax,ϵx)y \in B_{\overline{d}}(a_{x},\epsilon_{x})

d(a,y)d(a,ax)+d(ax,y)<min(ϵd(a,x),1)+d(a,ax)ϵ\begin{aligned} d(a,y) &\leq& d(a,a_{x}) + d(a_{x},y) \\ &<& min(\epsilon - d(a,x),1) + d(a,a_{x}) \\ &\leq& \epsilon \end{aligned}

Thus Bd(a,ϵ)=xBd(a,ϵ)Bd(ax,ϵx)B_{d}(a,\epsilon) = \bigcup_{ x \in B_{d}(a,\epsilon) } B_{\overline{d}}(a_{x},\epsilon_{x}) ◻ :::

::: {#def:Norm .definition} Definition 1.47 (norm). *Given x=(x1,,xn)x = (x_{1},\dots,x_{n}) in Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} . The norm of xx is defined by the equation

x=(x12++xn2)12||x|| = ( x_{1}^{2}+\dots+x_{n}^{2} )^{\frac{1}{2}}


::: {#def:EuclideanMetric .definition} Definition 1.48 (euclidean metric). The euclidean metric dd on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} is defined by d(x,y)=xyd(x,y) = ||x-y|| :::

::: {#def:SquareMetric .definition} Definition 1.49 (square metric). The square metric ρ\rho on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} is defined by ρ(x,y)=max{x1y1,,xnyn}\rho(x,y) = max\{ |x_{1}-y_{1}|,\dots,|x_{n}-y_{n}| \} :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.8. Let dd and dd' be two metrics on the set X\mathbb{X} ; let T\mathbb{T} and T\mathbb{T'} be the topology induced by dd and dd' respectively. Then T\mathbb{T'} is finer than TT if and only if for all xXx \in \mathbb{X} and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 , there exists a δ>0\delta > 0 such that Bd(x,δ)Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d'}(x,\delta) \subseteq B_{d}(x,\epsilon) :::

::: proof Proof. If T\mathbb{T'} is finer than T\mathbb{T} . Then for all Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d}(x,\epsilon) there exists a open set UU that containing xx such that UBd(x,ϵ)U \subseteq B_{d}(x,\epsilon) . As {Bd(x,δ)}\{{B_{d'}(x,\delta)}\} is a basis of TT' , then there exists Bd(x,δ)UB_{d'}(x,\delta) \subseteq U that containing xx .

If for all Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d}(x,\epsilon) , there exists Bd(x,δ)Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d'}(x,\delta) \subseteq B_{d}(x,\epsilon) . Then as {Bd(x,ϵ)}\{{B_{d'}(x,\epsilon)}\} and {Bd(x,ϵ)}\{{B_{d}(x,\epsilon)}\} are both basis, then T\mathbb{T'} is finer than TT . ◻ :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.28. 49 The topologies on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} induced by the euclidean metric dd and the square metric ρ\rho are the same as the product topology on Rn\mathbb{R}^{n} . :::

::: {#def:UniformMetric .definition} Definition 1.50 (uniform metric, uniform topology). *Given an index set JJ , and given points x=(xα)αJx = (x_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J} and y=(yα)αJy = (y_{\alpha})_{\alpha \in J} of RJ\mathbb{R}^{J} , let us define a metric ρ\overline{\rho} on RJ\mathbb{R}^{J} by the equation

ρ(x,y)=sup{d(xα,yα)αJ}\overline{\rho}(x,y) = \sup\{ \overline{d}(x_{\alpha},y_{\alpha}) | \alpha \in J \}

where d\overline{d} is the standard bounded metric on R\mathbb{R} . ρ\overline{\rho} is called the uniform metric on RJ\mathbb{R}^{J} , and the topology it induces is called the uniform topology* :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.29. 50 The uniform topology on RJ\mathbb{R}^{J} is finer than the product topology and is coarser than the box topology. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.30. *Let d(a,b)=min{ab,1}\overline{d}(a,b) = \min\{ |a-b|,1 \} be the standard bounded metric on R\mathbb{R} . If xx nad yy are two points of Rω\mathbb{R}^{\omega} , define

D(x,y)=sup{d(xi,yi)i}D(x,y) = \sup\left\{ \frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},y_{i})}{i} \right\}

Then DD is a metric that induces the product topology on Rω\mathbb{R}^{\omega} :::

::: proof Proof. The properties of a metric are satisfied trivially except for the triangle inequality, which is proved by noting that for all ii ,

d(xi,zi)id(xi,yi)i+d(yi,zi)iD(x,y)+D(y,z)\begin{aligned} \frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},z_{i})}{i} &\le& \frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},y_{i})}{i} + \frac{\overline{d}(y_{i},z_{i})}{i} \\ &\le& D(x,y) + D(y,z) \end{aligned}

so that

sup{d(xi,zi)i}D(x,y)+D(y,z)\sup\left\{ \frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},z_{i})}{i} \right\} \le D(x,y) + D(y,z)

The fact that DD gives the product topology requires a little more work. First, let UU be open in the metric topology and let xUx \in U ; we find an open set VV in the product topology such that xVUx \in V \supseteq U . Choose an ϵball\epsilon-ball BD(x,ϵ)B_{D}(x,\epsilon) lying in UU . Then choose NN large enough that 1N<ϵ\frac{1}{N} < \epsilon . Finally, let VV be the basis element for the product topology V=(x1ϵ,x1+ϵ)××(xNϵ,xN+ϵ)×R×R×V = (x_{1}-\epsilon,x_{1}+\epsilon) \times \dots \times (x_{N}-\epsilon,x_{N}+\epsilon) \times R \times R \times \dots

We assert that VBD(x,ϵ)V \in B_{D}(x,\epsilon) : Given any yy in Rω\mathbb{R}^{\omega} d(xi,yi)i1N,iN\frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},y_{i})}{i} \le \frac{1}{N}, \forall i \ge N

Therefore, D(x,y)max{d(x1,y1)1,,d(xN,yN)N,1N}D(x,y) \le \max\left\{ \frac{\overline{d}(x_{1},y_{1})}{1},\dots,\frac{\overline{d}(x_{N},y_{N})}{N},\frac{1}{N} \right\}

If yy is in VV , this expression is less than ϵ\epsilon , so that VBD(x,ϵ)V \subseteq B_{D}(x,\epsilon) , as desired.

Conversely, consider a basis element U=iZ+UiU = \prod_{i \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}} U_{i} for the product topology, where UiU_{i} is open in R\mathbb{R} for i=α1,,αni = \alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n} and Ui=RU_{i} = \mathbb{R} for all other indices ii . Given xUx \in U , we find an open set VV of the metric topology such that xVUx \in V \supseteq U . Choose an interval (xiϵi,xi+ϵi)(x_{i}-\epsilon_{i},x_{i}+\epsilon_{i}) in R\mathbb{R} centered about xix_{i} and lying in UiU_{i} for i=α1,,αni = \alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n} ; choose each ϵi1\epsilon_{i} \le 1 . Then define ϵ=min{ϵiii=α1,,αn}\epsilon = \min \left\{ \frac{\epsilon_{i}}{i} | i = \alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n} \right\}

We assert that xBD(x,ϵ)Ux \in B_{D}(x,\epsilon) \subseteq U

Let yy be a point of BD(x,ϵ)B_{D}(x,\epsilon) . Then for all ii d(xi,yi)iD(x,y)<ϵ\frac{\overline{d}(x_{i},y_{i})}{i} \le D(x,y) < \epsilon

Now if i=α1,,αni = \alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n} , then ϵϵii\epsilon \le \frac{\epsilon_{i}}{i} , so that d(xi,yi)<ϵi1\overline{d}(x_{i},y_{i}) < \epsilon_{i} \le 1 ; it follows that xiyi<ϵi|x_{i}-y_{i}| < \epsilon_{i} . Therefore yUiy \in \prod U_{i} , as desired. ◻ :::

::: {#def:HilbertCube .definition} Definition 1.51 (Hilbert Cube). The set H=nZ+[0,1n]H = \prod_{ n \in \mathbb{Z}_{+} } [0,\frac{1}{n}] is called Hilbert cube :::

::: {#def:L2Topology .definition} Definition 1.52 (l2l^{2}-topology). Let X\mathbb{X} be the subset of Rω\mathbb{R}^{\omega} consisting of all sequences xx such that xi2\sum x_{i}^{2} converges.

Then the formula d(x,y)=[i=1(xiyi)2]12d(x,y) = \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}(x_{i}-y_{i})^{2} \right]^{\frac{1}{2}} defines a metric on X\mathbb{X} . The topology induced by dd is called the l2l^{2}-topology. :::

::: {#def:FirstCountabilityAxiom .definition} Definition 1.53 (countable basis at point xx ). *[]{#def:CountableBasisAtPointX label="def:CountableBasisAtPointX"} A space is said to be have countable basis at point xx if there is a countable collection {Un}nZ+\{ U_{n} \}_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}} of neighbourhoods of xx such that any neighbourhood UU of xx contains at least on of the sets UnU_{n} . A space X\mathbb{X} that has a countable basis at each of its point is said to satisfy the first countability axiom * :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.31. Let f:XYf: \mathbf{X} \rightarrow \mathbf{Y} be metrizable with metric dXd_{\mathbf{X}} and dYd_{\mathbf{Y}} , respectively. Then continuity of ff is equivalent to the requirement that given xXx \in \mathbb{X} and given ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 , there exists δ>0\delta > 0 such that dX(x,y)<δ    dY(f(x),f(y))<ϵd_{\mathbf{X}}(x,y) < \delta \implies d_{\mathbb{Y}}(f(x),f(y)) < \epsilon :::

::: proof Proof. Suppose ff is continuous. Given xx and ϵ\epsilon , consider the set f1(B(f(x),ϵ))f^{-1}(B(f(x),\epsilon)) which is open in X\mathbb{X} and contains the point xx . It contains some δ\delta -ball B(x,δ)B(x,\delta) centered at xx . If yy is in this δ\delta -ball, then f(y)f(y) is in this δ\delta -ball as desired.

Conversely, suppose that the ϵδ\epsilon-\delta condition is satisfied. Let VV be open in Y\mathbb{Y} ; we show that f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is open in X\mathbb{X} . Let xx be a point of the set f1(V)f^{-1}(V) . Since f(x)Vf(x) \in V there is an ϵ\epsilon -ball B(f(x),ϵ)B(f(x),\epsilon) centered at f(x)f(x) and contained in VV . By the ϵδ\epsilon-\delta condition, there exists a δ\delta -ball centered at xx such that f(B(x,δ))B(f(x),ϵ)f(B(x,\delta)) \subseteq B(f(x),\epsilon) . Then B(x,δ)B(x,\delta) is a neighbourhood of xx contained in f1(V)f^{-1}(V) , so that f1(V)f^{-1}(V) is open, as desired. ◻ :::

::: {#def:TheSequenceLemma .lemma} Lemma 1.9 (The sequence lemma). 51 Let X\mathbb{X} be a topological space; let AXA \subseteq \mathbb{X} If there is a sequence of points of AA converging to xx , then xAx \in \overline{A} , the converse holds if X\mathbb{X} is metrizable. :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.32. 52 Let f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} . If the function ff is continuous, then for every convergent sequence xnxx_{n} \rightarrow x , the sequence f(xn)f(x_{n}) converges to f(x)f(x) . The converse holds if X\mathbb{X} is metrizable. :::

::: lemma Lemma 1.10. 53 The addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations are continuous functions from R×R\mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} into R\mathbb{R} ; and the quotient operation is continuous function from R×(R{0})\mathbb{R} \times (\mathbb{R} - \{0\}) into R\mathbb{R} . :::

::: theorem Theorem 1.33. 54 If X\mathbb{X} is a topological space, and if f,g:XRf,g: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R} are continuous functions, then f+gf + g , fgf - g and fgf \cdot g are continuous. If g(x)0g(x) \neq 0 for all xx , then fg\frac{f}{g} is continuous. :::

::: {#def:ConvergeUniformly .definition} Definition 1.54 (converge uniformly). Let fn:XYf_{n}: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be a sequence of functions from the set X\mathbb{X} to the metric space Y\mathbb{Y} . Let dd be the metric for Y\mathbb{Y} . We say that the sequence (fn)(f_{n}) converges uniformly to the function f:XYf : \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} if given ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 , there exists an integer NN such that d(fn(x),f(x))<ϵd(f_{n}(x),f(x)) < \epsilon for all n>Nn > N and all xXx \in \mathbb{X} :::

::: {#def:UniformLimitTheorem .theorem} Theorem 1.34 (Uniform limit theorem). Let fn:XYf_{n} : \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} be a sequence of continuous functions from the topological space X\mathbb{X} to the metric space Y\mathbb{Y} . If (fn)(f_{n}) converges uniformly to ff , then ff is continuous. :::

::: {#def:IsometricImbedding .definition} Definition 1.55 (isometric imbedding). Let X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} be metric spaces with metric dXd_{\mathbb{X}} and dYd_{\mathbb{Y}} , respectively. Let f:XYf: \mathbb{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{Y} have the property that for every pair of points x1x_{1} , x2x_{2} of X\mathbb{X} , and dY(f(x1),f(x2))=dX(x1,x2)d_{\mathbb{Y}}(f(x_{1}),f(x_{2})) = d_{\mathbb{X}}(x_{1},x_{2})

ff is an topological imbedding and is called an isometric imbedding of X\mathbb{X} in Y\mathbb{Y} :::


  1. The set U\mathbb{U} can form a topology because of the definition of topology is intersection of finite sub collection. If this can be intersection of infinite sub collection, U\mathbb{U} will not be a topology.

  2. Note that this expression may not be unique.

  3. We omit the proof of this lemma as it is obvious.

  4. We omit the proof of this lemma as it is obvious.

  5. Whenever we consider R\mathbb{R} , we shall suppose it is given this topology unless we specifically state otherwise.

  6. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  7. It is obvious that T\mathbb{T} is a topology, we just omit the proof here.

  8. It is obvious that T\mathbb{T'} is also a topology, we just omit the proof here.

  9. The standard topology on R\mathbb{R} is an order topology derived from the usual order on R\mathbb{R} .

  10. open rays are always open sets in the order topology

  11. the open rays also formed a subbasis of the order topology

  12. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  13. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  14. In the finite case, the product topology and box topology are the same, however they differ when X\mathbb{X} is a infinite cartesian product.

  15. This is also called a projection mappingin a cartesian product.

  16. A index set was the set {1,,n}\{1,\dots,n\} or the set Z+\mathbb{Z}_{+} .

  17. It is assumed that it is given product topology when considering Xα\prod X_{\alpha} unless it state specifically.

  18. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  19. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  20. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  21. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  22. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  23. If X\mathbb{X} is an ordered set in the order topology, and Y\mathbb{Y} is a subset of X\mathbb{X} . The order relation, when restricted to Y\mathbb{Y} , makes Y\mathbb{Y} into and ordered set. However, the resulting order topology on Y\mathbb{Y} need not be the same as the topology that Y\mathbb{Y} inherits as a subspace of X\mathbb{X} .

  24. *the dictionary means for X1,X2Y=X1×X2×X3X_{1}, X_{2} \in \mathbb{Y} = \mathbb{X}_{1} \times \mathbb{X}_{2} \times \mathbb{X}_{3} \dots which:

    X1=(x1,x2,x3)X2=(x1,x2,x3)\begin{aligned} X_{1} &=& (x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}\dots)\\ X_{2} &=& (x_{1}',x_{2}',x_{3}'\dots) \end{aligned}

    X1>X2X_1 > X_2 only when

    kZ+,iZ+,0<i<kxi=xixk>xk\begin{aligned} && \exists k \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}, \forall i \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}, 0 < i < k \\ && x_{i} = x_{i}'\\ && x_{k} > x_{k}' \end{aligned}
  25. Given X\mathbb{X} is an ordered set in the order topology and Y\mathbb{Y} is a subset of X\mathbb{X} , we shall assume that Y\mathbb{Y} is given the subspace topology unless we specifically state otherwise.

  26. what does X\mathbb{X} , X\mathbb{X'} , Y\mathbb{Y} , Y\mathbb{Y'} really mean here?? I do not know, so I just put the exercise here without a proof.

  27. The prove of this set is countable is typically similar to Cantor's enumeration of a countable collection of countable sets.

  28. A set can be open, or closed, or both, or neither

  29. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  30. As the proof is similar to the case in the open set, so we omit the proof here.

  31. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  32. As the closure of AA in X\mathbb{X} and the closure AA in Y\mathbb{Y} will sometimes be different. We always use A\overline{A} to denote the closure of AA in X\mathbb{X}

  33. Some other mathematicians use neighbourhood to say that UU merely contains an open set containing xx . The book does not give a formal definition for the word merely, and I am not sure either.

  34. Note that, xx may belong to AA or not, this does not matter.

  35. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  36. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  37. In real line, a sequence can not converge to multiple points, but for an arbitrary topological space, this is possible.

  38. This implies that a sequence in a Hausdorff space cannot converge to multiple points. The following theorem prove this.

  39. The condition every finite point set is closed is weaker than the Hausdorff space condition. For instance, the finite complement topology of R\mathbb{R} met the condition of finite point set. However it is not a Hausdorff space.

  40. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  41. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  42. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  43. As the continuity of a function is different as the topological spaces are different. So if we want to emphasis this fact, we say that ff is continuous relativeto specific topologies on X\mathbb{X} and Y\mathbb{Y} .

  44. A equivalent way to define homeomorphism, is that for any open subset UU of X\mathbb{X} , f(U)f(U) is open if and only if UU is open.

  45. The proof of this theorem is similar to the "Local formulation of continuity" condition of "Rules for constructing continuous functions", so we omit the proof here.

  46. The map f1,f2f_{1},f_{2} are called the coordinate functionsof ff

  47. It is possible that gg does not exist.

    Let X\mathbb{X} be the real line with order topology. Let Y\mathbb{Y} be {0,1}\{0,1\} .

    Let A=X{0}A = \mathbb{X} - \{0\} .

    Let, f(x)={1,x>00,x<0f(x) = \begin{cases} 1, & x > 0 \\ 0, & x < 0 \end{cases}

    So, it is obvious that ff is a continuous function on X\mathbb{X} . However gg does not exist in this case.

  48. When no confusion will arise, the metric dd may be omit in Bd(x,ϵ)B_{d}(x,\epsilon)

  49. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  50. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  51. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  52. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  53. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

  54. We omit the proof of this change@code@ as it is obvious.

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